We did what you ask? We potty trained Mr. Carter man!!!!
We officially have a diaper free home! And I mean a 100% diaper free home he even stays dry at night! We are so proud of this little guy! We had the kid toilets out for some time now but never really got serious about the whole thing. Then we decided the weekend before Eater to start really working on it. I was still a little hesitant about him wearing big boy underwear but when Papa and Nana came to baby sit on Tuesday March 26th they put him in his under wear and really worked with him. When I came home from preschool he was ready to be diaper free. Papa would give him coins every time he went potty. Spencer and I took it from there and really worked with him. Everyone knows Carter's love for "happy cars" (the Disney car movie cars) that was an awesome way of awarding him when he did good. We want with a very positive attitude about everything and he has done amazing! He has only had 2 accidents in almost a month. I'm very lucky! I heard that boys are really hard so I was preparing myself for a long haul and I think that is why I was putting it off but I was pleasantly surprised and proud of my little man.
Way to go Carter!!!!