Sunday, October 3, 2010

Potty Training

Our little girl is potty trained!

I think I can officially say that. We started charting all her "potties" on a sticker chart right after her Birthday in February. She was pretty good about going when we asked her but we were not that serious about it. With the new baby and our busy schedule Aubrey in diapers was just easier. Last week Friday Sept. 24th we decided to really do it. Every time she would go we would have a potty party with blow horns and a candle. She picked right up on it and has now been in big girl panties for a whole week. Poor little Aubrey got the flu this last week and I thought for sure the potty would be the last thing on her mind but I was wrong she keep up with it and did so good. I can't believe how fast she is growing. She talks so much now and is always asking questions. Aubrey still takes an afternoon nap 2pm-5pm and goes to bed at 7:30pm and wakes up at 8am. Her favorite dinner is homemade mac & cheese with hot dogs and her favorite dessert is ice cream which she calls "cream". She always puts a smile on our faces.
We love you so much Aubrey!

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