I'm a little late on my posts this month. We all got the flu at the beginning of October. We are all finally better! It was rough. Carter turned 5 months 2 Saturdays ago. As you can see from the picture he has been spending some time in the walker. He is so strong! Whenever he is being held he wants to stand on our legs so we knew he would love the walker and he does. Carter has been moody lately I think because his teeth maybe coming in. He cries a lot and is very hard to get to sleep. He use to love the swaddle but now that he is Mr. buff man he can get right out of it which means his arms and legs are moving like crazy and he doesn't sleep. He is also very curious so nursing has began to be quit a challenge. Carter has found his voice and has started making some funny sounds. Other then all that his doing great and growing everyday.
Even though we have been having some crazy busy days lately we love you very much Carter and wouldn't change you for the world!
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