Friday, April 30, 2010

Pregnancy Update.....

Well as said in my last pregnancy post we have a month to go but I guess it actually looks like a weekend or maybe a week to go if we are lucky. I went in for my OB check on Wednesday and had high blood pressure and with my swelling being so bad and a few head aches to complain about my doctor sent us over to Labor & Delivery. I was hooked up to monitors and they ran tons of test and the results came back with early stages of pre-eclamsia. I was in the hospital all Wednesday and then got to come home and re-admitted on Thursday for some more monitoring my blood pressure was still a little high but baby was perfect as can be and happy to still be cozy and warm inside. My doctor let me go home but with some rules, my doctor put me on strike bed rest all day and the goal for us now is to keep baby Carter in until at least Monday. My mom was able to come out and help me with Aubrey and Spencer's parents are coming out this weekend to help so we feel so blessed to have all the support not to mention all of our friends and family that have just been wonderful calling and checking on us. While in the hospital I had 2 steroid shots for Carter's lungs and our pediatrician thinks that he will do well being born so early but of course we don't 100% know and are very nervous. I just wanted to keep everyone up to date on what we know as of now.

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