Saturday, April 24, 2010

Pregnancy Number 2

As I'm finally approaching the end of this pregnancy I can finally look back and reflect on a couple of things. It has been a very tough road for me this time around. I had the typical first three months of terrible morning sickness and I keep thinking it shouldn't be this hard this time, I'm home most of the time and I'm not working full time but I forgot that having a two year old running around is a full time job. Aubrey and I also continued to work at the airport 1 day a week and I had all the normal house hold duties. I then felt good for about a month and then I got a miserable cold that has been with me ever since almost four months now. The cold turned into bronchitis which now has turned into asthma. I started swelling with Aubrey the last month I was pregnant with her but do to the sickness this time around I started swelling in March and it has just been getting worst. I just don't feel like myself and it has been very hard. My feet are huge and it is hard for me to get around.
I thought I would share a picture of the growing belly and body:

If I get up the guts I will take a picture of my feet one of these days they are pretty bad. I wanted to post about all this for a couple of reasons so I can remember this time and to hopefully feel a little better.

All in all I could never be more excited about the arrival of our little guy. I feel so blessed to have this opportunity to be a mom again and to keep our family growing. I'm so greatful for such a wonderful, helpful, supportive husband. Spencer has been doing everything and helping me through all the emotional roll coasters that I seem to be on every day. Also my family has been great helping with everything and being there for me too and I'm so thankful. My mom came out last week to help me with Aubrey which was just so wonderful and special. We have about a month left and are so excited. Thanks again to everyone for all the love and support.


Morgan and Joel said...

Hang in there Kate. Sorry you feel so bad. You can totally do it - one more month and then your little guy is here! Good thoughts coming your way -morgan

Marlyse said...

I'm so happy your pregnancy is coming to an end. It gets so rough at the end so it's exciting that you're at the last few weeks!

We miss you guys SOOOOO much!