Thursday, November 6, 2008

Aubrey is 9 months

Our little girl is growing so fast. Today marks her 9 month mark. It is so hard to believe that she has been out as long as she was in my tummy. We love her so much. She brightens our days.

Here are some exciting things she can do now:
Pulls herself up
Stands for a long period of time
Giggles and smiles all the time
Says: dada, mama, baba
Her newest thing is whispering
Gives big hugs
Eats all kinds of veggies and fruits
She has two teeth on the bottom
and she is loads of fun!!!


Kate said...

I can't believe that Aubrey is already 9 months! Time sure does fly by when you have children. She is adorable! That's neat you got a sewing machine, you'll love it! I really enjoy sewing too!

Marlyse said...

I love how happy she is.