Friday, November 1, 2019

September 2019

September was a hard month for us this year but we did still mange to make the most of our days and try to stay as happy as possible. 
Some much needed girl time with my Aubs...
 Laser Tag fun on Labor Day 

 The pups snuggling together. 
 I usually don't let them sleep on the top of the couch but let them his last few weeks with us.
 Subbing at the school is so much fun!
 Thursday September 5th was back to school night.  Always fun having the kids show off their school to daddy.

 Aubrey's teacher had the coolest project!
 a class puzzle.
 Friday September 6th was wear your favorite book character to school.  Carter went as Diary of a Whippy Kid and Aubrey and her friends dressed up as Wizard of Oz.  Aubrey was the lion.
 Presley was the tin man.  I didn't get the other kids.
 The boys had a fun Magic tournament that night so Aubrey and I had a girls night.  
 Saturday September 7th Aubrey had a fun paint day with her girl scouts...
 After that we went to Modesto to celebrate Gaga's birthday! 
The kids love getting table prizes.

 Aubrey was excited to get her September slime kit...

 Monday September 9th Aubrey was so excited to get to go to 6th grade camp! It's called Camp Green Meadows and it's down by the south entrance to Yosemite.  To say she was excited is an understatement! I was nervous dropping her off and not getting to see or talk to her for 3 days! 
 When we got to the school all her friends greeted us with huge smiles!

Aubrey's teacher sent me these pictures.  Once I get her pictures downloaded I should add them to this post.
 While Aubrey was at camp we had to say good bye to our little guy, Deuce which made it really hard but brought dad, Carter and I really close! I tried to stay busy with sub jobs.  I love seeing my little guy on campus.
 September 11th 
 We finally got to pick up our girl! She was not happy to come home she wanted to stay forever she said....gee thanks! I'm glad she is a social butterfly but man I also need my Aubrey time.
 She talked a mile a minute and told us so many great stories.  She was sad it was over but I could tell she was happy to be home too.
 They made these cute name tags and came up with a nature name she was Worm.
 Nana sent Carter a fun surprise..
 I got to sub on Friday the 13th it was fun to see all the kids in their camp shirts and to hear more fun stories.
 That night was a lady at church's farewell so I made mini apple pies.
 Saturday the 14th chilling with the family
 Tuesday the 16th was picture day but we ended up doing retakes..
 Family fun..

 Carter joined a new Cub Scout troop and it is awesome! The leaders are amazing and make it so much fun! Carter and I had fun going to Lowe's and making him his tool box for troop meetings.
 In Carter's class you can use your tickets you earn for cool chairs.  
He loved the lounge chair!

 I got to sub his class 2 days in a row so I planned and did this fun art project with them.
 Date night!
 Wednesday September 25th was Carter's troop awards night.  Poor dad was on a business trip but Aubrey and I got lots of pictures and videos so he felt like he was there!

 For his bobcat award we got to do a fun painting ceremony.  He even got to paint my face!

 Since Carter's old troop never gave him his Wolf or Bear badge his new troop presented them to him and I also got pinned!
 I really love this new troop!
Thursday September 26th Titi came out for a long weekend! It was so nice to have her out since dad was still away and Nana and Papa were in Scotland so we were really missing our family!
 Friday September 28th I got to have a fun day with Titi all to myself so we did shopping and lunch.  Then we picked up the kiddos from school.
 Millie was doing okay.  You can really tell that she misses Deuce a lot! It's sad to see her not running around so we try and give her lots of loves! 
 Saturday September 29th we had to do some Halloween shopping to get us ready for October...

 Monday September 30th was Carter's field trip to Yosemite.  Only 2 parent chaperones get to go on the trip so they do a lottery and lucky Spencer got chosen.  Carter was so excited.  It was a super early morning.  Carter was cute and had his alarm set like a week in advance to make sure he was on time.
 It was freezing but they had a great time!

 The trip was all day so I took Aubrey to a treat after school.
 That night we decided to get into the Halloween spirit with some monster cookies!

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