Monday, October 2, 2017

Aubrey's Yosemite Trip!

Monday October 2nd was Aubrey's field trip to Yosemite.  Nation wide 4th graders get into any National park for free the entire year they are in 4th grade.  To kick off their passes the school set up a field trip for all 3 of 4th grade classes at Peterson.  They were very limited on space and could only have 2 parent chaperones per class.  To make it far since all the parents wanted to go they did a lottery.  I was super bummed that neither Spencer nor I was picked.  Aubrey was a little disappointed too but then we turned it into what a fun adventure she gets to go on and then she was kind of excited to go alone.  I was stressed beyond belief but I tried my hardest to not show it and to be more encouraging rather then to let my helicopter crazy mom self come out!  Aubrey's teacher is wonderful and sent text pictures through out the day.  Also Aubrey had her gizmo so I refreshed the screen pretty much every 30 minutes to see where she was. 
Our day started at 5:30am!! Aubrey had to be at school by 6:10am so her and I were up before the sun and got her all packed up!
 Once at school I waited with her and her friends until it was time to load the bus.
Mallory, Presley, Aubrey and Kourtney
 I got Jizzel to look in this picture.  (Funny story she was our neighbor when she was a baby and her and Aubrey would play in the front yard when they first learned to walk.
 Once on the bus I headed to my car.  I cried a little and prayed like crazy that the bus driver would get my pride and joy safely to the park and safely home that day.
 Once at Yosemite they went on 2 hikes, had a picnic lunch and learned a ton from all the rangers.

 I thought it was so cool to track my little girl and see where she was at through out the day.

These were the pictures she took with her camera (the date is wrong)

They finally made it home safe and sound at 5pm! It was a great day filled with lots of fun memories for her.  I'm sad that she is growing up so fast but so happy that she is learning and enjoying all this world has for her to experience.

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