Monday, January 4, 2016

Christmas Eve 2015

We woke up to a note from Frosty saying his good byes.  He also said that Santa would lift his magic for a few minutes and let the kids each hug him and kiss him good bye.  Frosty did this last year and it was very special for both Aubrey and Carter and they looked forward to this the days leading up to Christmas Eve.
 Isn't this kiss just the cutest! I also love how Deuce has to be part of every little thing.

 After our good byes we opened our Christmas jammies.
 I was pretty disappointed with the Christmas PJ selection in the stores this year.  I looked every where for cute jammies.  I ended up going with these matching ones from Target.  On there web page they had the whole family set (even for Deuce).  I was super excited to get us all matching ones but they never had daddy's size on-line or in any Targets and I went into almost everyone from here to the bay.  All season I had a hope of finding them but never did so just the kids are matching which is the main goal anyways.
 It was then time to get ready for the Supinger Christmas party in Manteca.
 I like this little card that I sent out to family and friends that day.
We had loads of fun being with Supinger side that day.  It was a day filled with lots food, white elephant games, hat exchange game, Christmas caroling, playing and visiting. 

 Spencer's white elephant was the funniest he got porcelain bunnies that were making-out.
 Cousin love!
 I was happy we got a group shot this year,

 Then the younger kids got on their pj's.  We also checked on the Santa Tracker like a dozen times that evening.

 When we got home we did one of my favorite Christmas traditions, reading the Night Before Christmas.  We also wrote a letter to Santa and put out cookies, milk, and carrots.

Then it was off to bed.  Aubrey was so ready to go to bed she didn't want to take anymore pictures.  It was so cute how excited they both were and how good they were to jump right into bed and fall asleep.

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