Friday, September 14, 2012

where have we been???

I can not believe it has almost been a month since my last post!!!! What the heck! Well we have been super busy with the new school year starting.  Spencer is teaching this year 5-7:30 Monday and Wednesday and Aubrey started preschool.  I thought my life was crazy when I had little babies around the house now I feel like I live in the car and it's only preschool!!!!  Aubrey started parent preschool which means that I volunteer one day a week on top of a monthly meeting, school parties and one extra volunteer day a month.  Thank goodness both Spencer and my mom have offered to help with the volunteering so once we get the schedule down it should calm down.  Also something new this school year is that I was asked to be a table leader at my moms group, MOPS.  I have been a member for 4 years and love this organization.  I'm very exited about being on the leadership team though it is way out of my comfort zone.  I'm continuing to work one day a week on top of my other obligations so as you can see it's a busy life right now.  I probably complain a lot more to Spencer but in all honestly I really love the busy life so here's to a great school year and bunch of past posts that I need to catch up on.

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