Monday, June 11, 2012

The Diggins

 2 weekends ago we went up to Sonora for the Diggins in Columbia.  This was the first year that we went and it was very cool.  They turn the town of Columbia into how it was in 1852 which was during the gold rush.  You exchange your money for gold when you get there and that is what you use to buy things that they would have bought back then.  It was really neat and a very interesting history lesson.  Aubrey did some laundry and old fashion bowling.  Both Aubrey and Carter panned for gold and we all enjoyed some ice cold  sarsaparilla soda and a yummy picnic.
We went back to mom and dad's for some fishing and a BBQ.  Carter loves his new car life vest!

 I tried a new dessert which was YUMMY! brownie strawberry truffle!
After seeing that picture you wouldn't think this but Spencer and I have been counting our calories for about 2 months.  It has been a major eye opening experience.  I had know idea how much I snacked and eat unnecessary calories.  With watching my calories and working out I have lost 9.5 lbs in 2 months.  Spencer who has been working out like crazy and watching what he has ate for a year has lost almost 50 lbs.  We are very excited about our more healthy life style.  

We had a blast up in Sonora and can't wait for our next great adventure!

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