Monday, April 2, 2012

March Madness Sonora Trip

Spencer went on his annual March Madness trip with a few of his bothers so the kids and I did our annual visit to Nana & Papa's. Spencer didn't leave until Thursday the 15th but the kids and decided lets make a week of it so we went up to Sonora March 13-18th. What a wonderful week it was. Nana had planned an awesome week full of many fun activities. We went to story time, music time, the park, shopping and more. It was very nice because we even fit some relaxing time in. The kids sure loved their "hot tub" baths:

Story time:
On Friday Titi and Auntie came up for the weekend. We had our annual Corn Beef and Cabbage dinner Friday night (my favorite dinner for sure!!). We made green truffles for dessert.
Saturday morning Papa made his famous french toast and he even made it green, yummy!!

Getting ready for the St. Patrick's day parade in Murphy's

It was a very cold and wet day but we had a blast being together as a family and enjoying the St. Patrick's day festivities.
Daddy came and met up with us on Saturday afternoon. It was so nice to see him. We celebrated both his and Aunties birthdays that evening.

Last March madness we had lots of snow. So when packing this year Aubrey keep saying we need all our snow stuff!! The forecast didn't call for snow the whole week we were up there but we did plan on trying to find snow over the weekend. Well low and behold Sunday morning we woke up to this:

The kids were ecstatic!!! They wanted their snow clothes on right away and they played for hours!! Carter would go out play for 5 minutes and then come back in take all his gear off and then do it again 10 minutes later. Aubrey on the other hand was a snow bunny she was out the whole morning. She has wanted to do a snow angel for the longest time.

They even got papa out there in his pj's to throw snow balls.

Titi and Aubrey love making their annual snowman
We were able to do sledding in Nana and Papa's backyard it was so cool. Carter loved it and surprisingly Aubrey was a little more scared. Carter wanted to lay down on the sled while riding down.
We ended our trip with singing Happy Birthday and eating yummy chocolate cake.
We had such an awesome time!!! We are so blessed to have such an amazing, fun, awesome family!! We love you all!

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