Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Carter is 18 Months

Our little man is 18 months today!!!! Time flies when you are having fun! He is doing so good and growing up every day. As everyone knows, he loves anything with wheels and carries a monster truck at all times. He has been in love with one of his truck books. We each read to him about a dozen times a day. It's so cute when he comes over and makes himself comfortable on your lap and gives you the book. Carter loves to dance. At Aubrey's dance class he will stand up and try to move with the girls. Today he even was trying to tap dance. Carter is starting to say more and more each day. Yesterday when getting in the car he grabbed his sippy cup from me and said "juice" Aubrey was so proud of him. She clapped and gave him lots of encouragement, it was so cute. Carter looks up to his "sissy" all the time. Anything that his sister is doing he wants to do and makes it very known to mommy and daddy to not forget him. Carter is a big climber and a furniture mover. We always have to keep one eye on him because he will be on the kitchen table before you know it. Carter has always been an excellent sleeper, but recently has stopped taking two naps a day. His schedule, as of a day or two ago, is wake up at 7am, nap from 1pm-4pm and sleep at 7pm. Carter loves strawberries, chicken and bread right now. Not too fond of vegetables so I have to figure out a way to sneak those in. Carter has 7 teeth right now but I think a couple more are on their way. He loves to help and whenever he is carying something or pushing something big he grunts. He cracks us up and we love him to pieces. Some other words we have heard him use are:








We have his 18 month doctors appointment next week so I will post his stats then. We are so proud of our little guy. We can't believe that he is already a year and a half.

Happy Half Birthday Carter Man!!!
* oh and by the way he can point to his nose, head, mouth and eyes when asked. He also nods yes and no.

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