Monday, June 13, 2011

In Memory of Charlie

Our very special family dog Charlie passed away on Friday. He will be greatly missed. Charlie was a wonderful dog that brought smiles to our whole family. Some of my favorite memories of Charlie are just snuggling on the floor with him. I also have some wonderful memories of him on all our family vacations. He loved looking for pine cones and bringing them to us to play fetch. Charlie had a wonderful spirit about him and though dogs don't normally smile it looked as if he was always smiling. I loved growing up with Charlie he would love to cuddle on my bed back when I lived at home. After I moved out he would always get very excited when I came back to visit. He was an all around very happy playful dog. It was wonderful being able to share him with my kids. Aubrey loved to climb on Charlie and try to ride him like a horse. Every time we would go to Nana and Papa's Aubrey gets so excited to see Charlie and Bailey and play with them. In our night time songs we sing about our family she always reminds me to add Charlie to it. Charlie loved to kiss everyone and would kiss both Aubrey and Carter like crazy. He was such a special dog and holds a big part in all of our hearts. We will always remember him and love him always.

1 comment:

Marlyse said...

I'm sorry, Kate! It's really hard losing an animal friend/family member. I hope all is well!