Monday, October 20, 2008

Our little girl is growing up

On Friday October 17th I went into Aubrey's room after her morning nap to find her like this:
I guess it's time to lower the mattress. Later that day she was trying to pull herself up on everything.

Today Monday October 20th Aubrey crawled!!!! We are so excited. She could do the army crawl like a pro and she would get up on all fours and then just rock. Then today she just went from sit position to all fours to crawling like she has been doing it forever. I got a cute video on my cell phone so if I ever figure out how transfer my videos from my phone to the computer I will post it.


Marlyse said...

That's adorable, and SUCH and exciting stage! I love it. Isn't if a fun surprise to walk in her room and see her standing against her crib when she'd never done it before? So fun. :)

Marlyse said...

P.S. I'd love to see a video if you got the chance to post it.