Wednesday, September 24, 2008


It all started yesterday. Aubrey just started saying babababaDAbabaDAba and then it just turned into dada so we are marking it as her first word. Some other milestones that have been happening are she can kind of wave and she can pull herself up to a standing position. As for crawling Aubrey is on the right path. She gets up on her knees and rocks back and forth. She usually ends up rolling back and forth until she gets to where she wants to go. We are very proud of our little girl.


Morgan and Joel said...

Jack said dada for a long time and Morgan always felt left out. Now he says Ma almost constantly and we think it was better when we were both dada. The point, enjoy this time before she knows your name too.

Valerie said...

Oh my gosh she is so cute! Thanks for the comment. I'll save your blog and "check in" with you often. Hope things are going good for you. Looks like they are!

Marlyse said...

That was Hadley's first "word" too! :)