Monday, August 11, 2008

Lake Tahoe

We just got home from our week long family vacation to Lake Tahoe. We all stayed in a cabin on south shore, including all the dogs. We had such a perfect vacation. We all enjoyed being together as a family and experiencing new things with Aubrey. I wanted to post all of our pictures but I had way to many, so here are a few of the highlights.

The Vacation Gang
Scott, Laura, Aubrey, Aunt Pat, Mom, Dad, Kate and Spencer

The Gardens at the Capital Building in Carson City

Hanging out in the cabin with Grandpa and Aunt Laura

The Beach

The Tahoe Queen

Three Generations
Jet Skiing


Marlyse said...

That's awesome! Looks like you guys had tons of fun! I love jet skiing.

HILL HESS said...

I LOVE Tahoe! I grew up near there and it has a special place in my heart! How neat!

Morgan and Joel said...

I'm jealous. I love Tahoe, but haven't been there for ten years. Looks like it was a sweet trip.