Last Friday Aubrey was very sick with the flu. On Saturday she started getting better but then on Monday she was sick again so we took her to the doctor and she said to just take it easy and call her in a few days if she was still sick. She was better during the day but then started throwing up again that night so on Tuesday Aubrey had a blood test and her sugar levels where extremely low so we had to take her to the Emergency room. It was so scary for us! They hooked her up with an IV which was the hardest thing we have ever had to watch. She was hooked up for about 45 min and then they ran more blood work and her sugar was going up but not as much as they would like and her CO2 levels where low so we had to stay the night in the hospital. The room was very nice and we were able to stay with her. They ran more tests Wednesday morning and everything was at the right levels. We finally where released at around 5pm yesterday. It was very scary and so sad watching her be poked all over. We are home now and Aubrey is doing MUCH better and playing like she was never sick. We are so thankful for all the happy thoughts from our family and friends and for the sweet care of all the nurses and doctors at the hospital.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Dinner with Friends
Last Tuesday our friends from Arizona came to visit and we got to meet up with them and have a fun dinner at John's Incredible Pizza. Randi is my best friend from JR./High School, her husband TJ and there daughter Julia. Aubrey had a great time running around and playing with Julia and us adults had a nice time catching up and watching the girls play.

Sunday, July 12, 2009
Lilly the Lamb
Last week Aubrey and I meet up with my mom for a day of shopping and out to lunch. I love the days that we get to meet up it's so fun to hang out with mom/Nana.
While at the mall Aubrey got to play in the play place with Nana. She also road a fun ride.
After all that fun Nana took Aubrey to the Build a Bear Work Shop. Aubrey with the help of mom and Nana picked out the cutest lamb ever and Nana bought it for her.
We named Aubrey's lamb Lilly and we got to watch the lady stuff Lilly and Aubrey even got to
put the heart in her. She got a birth certificate and all.
Aubrey loves Lilly
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Aubrey's 17 months and it's our 100th post
Time sure does fly by!
Our little girl just turned 17 months and I just can't believe it. Also this is our 100th post and I'm so happy that for the most part I blog just about everything so I can go back and look at what we have been up too.
The other day Aubrey had to have her sun glasses on while we were outside. The minute I opened the door she would look for her shades and then when we came back in the house she would try to put them on her head, it was too cute. She is really growing up.
4th of July
We had our annual Sup family 4th of July party at our house. We were so happy to have mom and dad sup home this year. They stayed over the whole weekend.
The day started off with Spencer, Aubrey and I going to the parade. Aubrey loved watching the kids marching but got scared a few times when the fire engines would honk their horns.
We then made our annual flag cake and waited for family to come over.
After everyone came over we had an awesome BBQ and then celebrated birthdays.
The Kids played in the pool most of the time.
The grownups played ping-pong.
Spencer and his brothers and dad
Aubrey had so much fun playing with all her cousins and running around all day.
Then we had a firework show right in front of our house put on by all the kids and dads.
What a great day celebrating our freedoms here in the USA!
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