Wednesday, September 12, 2018

No Summer don't end!.....

Unfortunately it's true summer must come to an end each year.  
We sure tried to make the most of our last week at home...
We played with the dogs...
Fit in more craft time...
Snuggled with the dogs....
Went to the movies to see Christopher Robin....
Aubrey and I had a cupcake challenge....
and the boys voted....

Our favorite challenge was the cupcake impostors...
More snuggling....
Spencer and I got to sub Carter's primary class and we made a candle craft...
Spencer and I got to go to Fresno for a date to Cheesecake Factory...
and to see the comedian Jim Gaffigan! He was hilarious....
While Fresno Spencer surprised me with a shopping spree at LuLu Lemon...
Fun lunch picnic at the pool....
Last friend sleep over of the summer.
Aubrey had Mia and Lylah over....
and Carter had Max...
Pizza and a movie...
Slime making...
and Lego's...
In cleaning out old boxes we came across this picture of Spencer's mom...
The kids think it's so cool that she met "Uncle Jessie" from Full House
The day before school means checking the class list...
They got the teachers that I got to pick!
Aubrey is with Mrs. Rabith and Carter is with Mrs. Carter.
The night before school is our annual fashion show...

Got to have Panther pride....

and if the night before school wasn't exciting enough...
Carter lost a tooth and we got to have the tooth fairy come!
Can't believe we start a fresh year of school tomorrow!

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